Insurance Broking

The goal isn’t about sealing the deal; it’s about renewing for, building with and retaining our clients
Insurance Broking bi_admin February 15, 2022

Why Prevensure?

It might seem commonsensical but the largest portion of optimizing on serving you comes down to investing the time to get to know you. By understanding your insurance requirements and analyzing your risk exposure we deliver a personalized boutique approach to brokering. Allotting the time needed to get to know the minutest detail of your industry, a senior expert from our team can delve deep into providing you with innovative insurance protection solutions by dissecting the risks involved and getting you the best coverage.

After studying your various requirements, Prevensure’s team will go at large, building an all-encompassing insurance plan for you. Essentially, we are full-proofing you with our skills, thus allowing you to focus on growing your business whilst leaving the insurance technicalities and tedious details to us.

Full-fledged protection
Prevensure’s specialists will perform a thorough cost benefit analysis, market gap analysis and technical assessment of your company blueprint to accommodate your business demands. We would then approach the local market to obtain the best terms and conditions that fit your insurance requirements and risk exposure. Specialized brokers would study industry benchmarks and create recommendations based on market trends going through all the fine print, thus lightening the load and allowing you to focus on your core business.

Our team would studiously consider your enterprise’s complex business activities in order to tailor-make an insurance program that would consistently cover your endeavors. Claims support management of elaborate cases and daunting experiences, is also made simple because to each problem there’s an even better solution!

Why insurance broking?

The idea of opting for an insurance broker, would in many ways allow you the liberty of leaving the details for the experts. Our brokers can help you navigate difficult terminology and mitigate the risks involved. They can also save you time, money and energy if it ever comes down to following up on a claim. By outsourcing your insurance needs to us, you’re allowing yourself the advantage of purely expanding your business. Our clients know full well that we are there to see them through the punctuation!
“Why our specialist insurance broking service at Prevensure translates to working smarter and being more resourceful:”
It might seem commonsensical but the largest portion of optimizing on serving you comes down to investing the time to get to know you. By understanding your insurance requirements and analyzing your risk exposure we deliver a personalized boutique approach to brokering. Allotting the time needed to get to know the minutest detail of your industry, a senior expert from our team can delve deep into providing you with innovative insurance protection solutions by dissecting the risks involved and getting you the best coverage.

After studying your various requirements, Prevensure’s team will go at large, building an all-encompassing insurance plan for you. Essentially, we are full-proofing you with our skills, thus allowing you to focus on growing your business whilst leaving the insurance technicalities and tedious details to us.
Prevensure’s specialists will perform a thorough cost benefit analysis, market gap analysis and technical assessment of your company blueprint to accommodate your business demands. We would then approach the local market to obtain the best terms and conditions that fit your insurance requirements and risk exposure. Specialized brokers would study industry benchmarks and create recommendations based on market trends going through all the fine print, thus lightening the load and allowing you to focus on your core business.

Our team would studiously consider your enterprise’s complex business activities in order to tailor-make an insurance program that would consistently cover your endeavors. Claims support management of elaborate cases and daunting experiences, is also made simple because to each problem there’s an even better solution!
As digitalization erases all global boundaries, many issues expand the navigation table. With the G20 climate awareness issues, the ongoing risk of more pandemics, and the surge of competition in an exponentially globalized digital world, the notion of preparedness has never been more crucial. Whereas companies might perceive themselves as “ready”, it is our duty to make sure that their perception is a reality by fostering an ongoing culture of innovation. “Why our specialist insurance broking service at Prevensure translates to working smarter and being more resourceful:”
Specialized service
Our prime concern is that your policies are reviewed to contain substantial coverage with the least amount of risk exposure at the right budget. By placing your company’s well-being as our core priority, we are fortifying and retaining a partnership that would go the distance between us into the future.
Made-to-measure coverage
In this day and age, with so much unpredictability, a specialist broker like Prevensure would recognize your insurance requirements based on your customized risk profile. Put simply, generic policies are for the masses! Where businesses are ever-striving to differentiate themselves, a bespoke coverage would allow you more leeway.
When it gets complicated
At Prevensure, we guide you by understanding the technicalities of your policy so that we can mediate with the insurer in the event that a claim should occur. Our clients speak of us as proactive advisors that negotiate with the insurer on their behalf.
The fine line between risk and insurance
With the global insurance market becoming more prone to all types of risk, be they natural disasters or accidents, our insurance brokers are a direct extension of our risk specialists. Working hand in hand, they conduct a full-fledged market study, thereby providing you with risk transfer solutions, claims handling and benchmarking services. Our global reach coupled with a tailor-made approach towards handling your risk exposure allows us the leverage to give you customizable policies at competitive offers. It’s about meshing the line between finding an optimal policy with a comprehensive coverage under the right insurance provider specifically for you!
Freedom and Independence
Seeing as we are privately owned, Prevensure is not under the pressure of shareholder dividends thus catering a bespoke service with cut-throat decisions that benefit the client. This independence allows us to always do right by the client and to essentially be their gear-shifters in this volatile market.
With the rise of hybrid working hours and the increase in digitalizing most servicescapes, regional solutions is the new normal. At Prevensure we are keen on broadening local policies to become more all-encompassing ones, thus readying you for a more widespread presence. Should you expand regionally, so too will our regional solutions. Building policies that consolidate for some extra global cushioning is ideal, thereby not restricting you to one locale.

We understand that the future of employee retention lies in motivating your people to be your key asset. In empowering your team to feel more secure, you are subconsciously setting the vibe for them to deliver more! Attractive high-quality employee benefits and packages at cost-effective prices would construct a foundation upon which you can retain an ardent team.  

  • As your broker, Prevensure strives to increase this appeal to your staff by guiding you towards finding the right plans that keep the team loyal and productive. 
  • We assist you by analyzing your business model, be it based on data analytics, studying of insurance policies, budgeting, procuring and going so far as to redesign your employee benefit programs for the greater good of everyone involved.  
  • As a regional broker, we turn the world of insurance benefits to oyster in your hand. The client is not restricted to local insurers, so we literally shorten the distance between your needs and your provider. 
  • By allowing us to act for you, you will be leveraging on our market know-how to harness maximum efficiency combined with peace of mind for the specific size and shape of your industry. 
Creating a thorough dialogue between you and our brokers allows us to evaluate your assets, thus translating that information into a full-blown plan of action. Our multi-cultural team of senior experts work with a prosilient ethos – an approach where they study your company dynamic, foreseeing the risks at hand and shielding your business accordingly. Specialists that are at heart, consistently studying market fluctuations, being dependably reachable to you and capitalizing on your inherent strengths!

Because the world is your oyster

With the rise of hybrid working hours and the increase in digitalizing most servicescapes, regional solutions is the new normal.

At Prevensure we are keen on broadening local policies to become more all-encompassing ones, thus readying you for a more widespread presence. Should you expand regionally, so too will our regional solutions. Building policies that consolidate for some extra global cushioning is ideal, thereby not restricting you to one locale.

Your people

We understand that the future of employee retention lies in motivating your people to be your key asset. In empowering your team to feel more secure, you are subconsciously setting the vibe for them to deliver more! Attractive high-quality employee benefits and packages at cost-effective prices would construct a foundation upon which you can retain an ardent team.

As your broker, Prevensure strives to increase this appeal to your staff by guiding you towards finding the right plans that keep the team loyal and productive.


We assist you by analyzing your business model, be it based on data analytics, studying of insurance policies, budgeting, procuring and going so far as to redesign your employee benefit programs for the greater good of everyone involved.


As a regional broker, we turn the world of insurance benefits to oyster in your hand. The client is not restricted to local insurers, so we literally shorten the distance between your needs and your provider.


By allowing us to act for you, you will be leveraging on our market know-how to harness maximum efficiency combined with peace of mind for the specific size and shape of your industry.

Your business, your assets

Creating a thorough dialogue between you and our brokers allows us to evaluate your assets, thus translating that information into a full-blown plan of action.

Our multi-cultural team of senior experts work with a prosilient ethos – an approach where they study your company dynamic, foreseeing the risks at hand and shielding your business accordingly. Specialists that are at heart, consistently studying market fluctuations, being dependably reachable to you and capitalizing on your inherent strengths!